Navigate challenging times with expert guidance.

Our Dissolution, Insolvency, and Liquidation service assists businesses facing difficult circumstances. We guide you through processes such as dissolution and liquidation, providing strategic advice to protect your interests and minimise potential losses.

Who can benefit from our Dissolution, Insolvency and Liquidation services?

 Business Owners: Navigate the complex process of closing a business with experienced guidance.

 Investors: Safeguard your interests during the dissolution, insolvency, or liquidation of a business.

 Creditors: Maximize the recovery of your dues in the event of insolvency or liquidation.

 Employees: Ensure that your rights are respected during the winding down of a company.

Navigating through dissolution, insolvency, or liquidation requires informed decision-making and a thorough understanding of your legal obligations.

Why Choose Entrepreneur Legal® UK?

 Expertise: Our founder, Gabriel Mbanefo, has assisted 100s of companies with headquarters in over 25 countries including the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Poland, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, and Brazil.

 Transatlantic Advantage: Benefit from our unique dual-practice experience, invaluable to clients with interests in, or looking to establish interests in, both the UK and the US.

 Focus on Both Entrepreneurs and Investors: We have a strong track record of providing invaluable legal services to entrepreneurs, investors and SMEs across multiple industries.

Efficiency and Transparency Expect timely, effective, and actionable legal solutions.

Repeat Business Focus Our aim, from inception, has been to build strong and enduring client relationships, and that begins with excellent service.


Dissolution: Dissolution of a business refers to the process of formally closing down and ending the operations of a business entity. This can occur for various reasons, such as the owner’s decision to retire, financial difficulties, a change in business strategy, or any other circumstance that makes it impractical or undesirable to continue the business.

The process of dissolution typically involves several steps, which may vary based on the legal structure of the business (e.g., sole trader, partnership, limited company, etc.) and the regulations of the jurisdiction in which the business operates.

Liquidation: Liquidation is a process through which a business entity’s assets are sold or converted into cash to settle its debts and obligations. This process typically occurs when a business is unable to continue its operations or faces financial distress. Liquidation can take various forms depending on the circumstances and goals of the business owner or stakeholders. The primary objective of liquidation is to distribute the proceeds from the sale of assets to creditors and other stakeholders in a structured and orderly manner

Insolvency: Business insolvency occurs when a business is unable to meet its financial obligations and pay its debts as they become due. In other words, insolvency is a state in which a business’s liabilities (debts) exceed its assets (resources), leading to a situation where the business is unable to maintain normal operations and fulfil its financial commitments.

Insolvency can be a result of various factors, including poor financial management, declining sales, excessive debt, economic downturns, and unfavourable market conditions.

Our expertise in legal matters ensures that the dissolution process is carried out in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Specifically, we can assist with:

  • Legal Guidance and Advice: We can provide comprehensive guidance on the legal requirements and steps involved in dissolving your business and help you understand your rights, obligations, and potential liabilities throughout the dissolution process.
  • Document Preparation: We can draft and prepare the necessary legal documents for dissolving your business.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We can ensure that all necessary regulatory filings and notifications are completed accurately and on time.
  • Creditor Negotiations: If the business has outstanding debts, we can negotiate with creditors to reach agreements on debt settlement, payment terms, and other financial matters.
  • Employee and Contractor Matters: We can provide guidance on how to handle employee and contractor issues, including termination agreements, final paychecks, and compliance with employment laws.
  • Asset Distribution and Liquidation: If the business is being liquidated, we can assist with the valuation and sale of assets, as well as the distribution of proceeds to creditors and stakeholders in accordance with legal priorities.
  • Tax Implications: We can advise on, or work with tax professionals that advise on, the potential tax implications of business dissolution, helping you understand your tax obligations and how to minimise tax liabilities.
  • Risk Mitigation: We can identify and help mitigate potential legal risks associated with business dissolution, ensuring that the process is carried out in a way that minimises exposure to future legal challenges.
  • Post-Dissolution Matters: Even after the dissolution is complete, there may be residual legal matters to address. We can assist with final reporting, documentation, and ensuring that all loose ends are tied up.

Given the complexity of business dissolution and the potential legal pitfalls, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced business attorney when considering or navigating the process. A knowledgeable lawyer can help ensure that the dissolution is conducted smoothly, legally, and with the best interests of the business and its stakeholders in mind.

Unless expressly informed otherwise, all UK Legal Services referred to on this website will be performed by Entrepreneur Legal® UK.

Entrepreneur Legal® UK is a UK registered trade mark and trading name of Entrepreneur Legal Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with Registration No: 12379138.

For more information on Dissolution, Insolvency and Liquidation in the UK, please contact Entrepreneur Legal® UK directly.