Streamlining your global operations.

Our International Group Restructuring service provides comprehensive guidance for businesses undergoing restructuring across multiple jurisdictions. We help to optimise your corporate structure, ensure legal and regulatory compliance, and manage potential risks.

Businesses seeking to maximise efficiency and effectiveness in their international operations can benefit from:

 International Expertise: We have the knowledge and experience to navigate international business laws and regulations.

 Legal Compliance: We can oversee the process to ensure that your restructuring activities are in line with local and international laws and regulations.

 Risk Management: Mitigate potential risks and liabilities associated with restructuring.

 Operational Efficiency: Improve the functionality and profitability of your business.

 Effective Handling of Foreign Legal Experts: The recruitment and management of reliable local counsel when foreign expertise is required.

By restructuring your international group, you can increase operational efficiency, improve performance, and potentially realise substantial cost and tax savings.

Why Choose Entrepreneur Legal® UK?

 Expertise: Our founder, Gabriel Mbanefo, has assisted 100s of companies with headquarters in over 25 countries including the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Poland, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, and Brazil.

 Transatlantic Advantage: Benefit from our unique dual-practice experience, invaluable to clients with interests in, or looking to establish interests in, both the UK and the US.

 Focus on Both Entrepreneurs and Investors: We specialise in servicing entrepreneurs, start-ups, investors and small to medium-sized businesses.

 Efficiency and Transparency: Expect timely, effective, and actionable legal solutions.

 Repeat Business Focus: Our aim, from inception, has been to build strong and enduring client relationships, and that begins with excellent service.


International Group Restructuring refers to the process of reorganising the structure and operations of a multinational corporation (MNC) or a group of affiliated companies that operate across different countries and jurisdictions. The goal of international group restructuring is often to optimise the group’s operations, improve efficiency, enhance competitiveness, achieve tax optimisation, and align the group’s structure with its strategic objectives. This can involve a range of activities and considerations, including:

  • Legal and Organisational Structure: Reviewing and potentially changing the legal and organisational structure of the group, which may involve mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures, or the creation of new subsidiaries or holding companies.
  • Tax Optimisation: Assessing the group’s global tax position and implementing strategies to optimise tax efficiency. This could involve consolidating operations in jurisdictions with favourable tax regimes, utilising tax treaties, and minimising potential double taxation.
  • Operational Efficiencies: Identifying opportunities to streamline operations, eliminate redundancies, and improve overall efficiency across the group’s global operations. This might involve consolidating production facilities, supply chains, or distribution networks.
  • Risk Management: Evaluating and mitigating legal, financial, and operational risks associated with the group’s international operations. This could include addressing compliance issues, intellectual property protection, and legal obligations in different jurisdictions.
  • Financial Reporting and Accounting: Ensuring that the group’s financial reporting and accounting practices are aligned with international standards and regulations, which may differ from country to country.
  • Human Resources and Employment Considerations: Addressing human resources and employment-related matters, including managing cross-border employment contracts, benefits, and compliance with labour laws in various jurisdictions.
  • Intellectual Property Management: Managing the group’s intellectual property portfolio, including patents, trade marks, and copyrights, to ensure proper protection and utilisation across international markets.
  • Transfer Pricing: Reviewing and adjusting transfer pricing policies to ensure that intercompany transactions are priced at arm’s length and comply with local regulations to avoid transfer pricing disputes.
  • Cross-Border Contracts and Agreements: Reviewing and updating contractual agreements among group entities, such as supply agreements, distribution agreements, and licensing agreements, to reflect the restructured group’s operations.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Considerations: Ensuring compliance with various legal and regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions, including corporate governance, environmental regulations, and industry-specific regulations.
  • Communication and Stakeholder Management: Managing communication with employees, stakeholders, shareholders, customers, and regulators during the restructuring process to minimise disruption and maintain positive relationships.
  • Cultural and Operational Integration: Addressing cultural differences and integrating different operating practices and corporate cultures across the restructured group.

International Group Restructuring is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful planning, legal expertise, financial analysis, and coordination across various functional areas. It is typically undertaken with the assistance of legal advisers, financial consultants, tax experts, and other professionals who specialise in international business and corporate restructuring. The ultimate goal is to create a more efficient, competitive, and strategically aligned group of companies that can thrive in the global marketplace.

Contact Entrepreneur Legal® UK to find out more.

As regards entities based in the UK, we can provide legal advice and assistance throughout the restructuring process, from strategy, planning and implementation to legal compliance and risk management.

For entities based outside the UK, our affiliate, Entrepreneur Legal™ US can assist with restructuring activities in the US. We also have access to a strong network of foreign legal experts and can recruit and manage reliable foreign legal experts on your behalf to advise on, and handle, your legal needs, as and when required.

Having legal support during international group restructuring is essential for several important reasons:

  • Complex Legal Landscape: International group restructuring involves navigating the legal systems, regulations, and compliance requirements of multiple jurisdictions. Legal experts can provide guidance on the specific legal considerations and implications of restructuring in each country involved.
  • Cross-Border Transactions: Restructuring often entails cross-border transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and joint ventures. Legal professionals can help ensure that these transactions are structured properly, contracts are drafted accurately, and all legal requirements are met.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Different countries have varying regulatory frameworks governing corporate transactions, tax implications, labour laws, intellectual property rights, and more. Legal support ensures that the restructuring complies with all applicable laws and regulations in each jurisdiction.
  • Risk Management: International restructuring involves legal risks, including potential disputes, contractual obligations, and regulatory issues. Legal experts can help identify and mitigate these risks to protect the interests of the involved parties.
  • Contractual Agreements: Restructuring often requires drafting and negotiating complex contractual agreements among multiple parties. Legal professionals can ensure that these agreements are comprehensive, enforceable, and protect the rights and obligations of all parties involved.
  •  Intellectual Property Protection: If the restructuring involves intellectual property assets, legal support is crucial to ensure proper transfer, licensing, or protection of these assets across different jurisdictions.
  • Employee and Labour Issues: Restructuring may impact employees across different countries, raising labour law, employment contract, and benefit-related considerations. Legal experts can guide the organisation through the complexities of managing these issues while complying with local employment laws.
  • Tax Implications: International group restructuring can have significant tax implications, including transfer pricing, withholding taxes, and potential changes in the tax residence of entities. Legal professionals can work alongside tax advisers to optimise the group’s tax position while remaining compliant with tax laws.
  • Corporate Governance: Restructuring may require changes to corporate governance structures, board compositions, and shareholder arrangements. Legal support ensures that these changes are executed properly and in accordance with applicable laws.
  • Dispute Resolution: In the event of disputes or disagreements arising from the restructuring process, legal professionals can provide expert advice and represent the organisation’s interests in negotiations, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.
  • Communication and Documentation: Legal experts can assist in preparing and communicating the legal documentation required for the restructuring process, ensuring accuracy and clarity in all communications.
  • Cultural and Language Differences: International restructuring involves dealing with different languages, cultures, and business practices. Legal professionals who understand local customs and languages can facilitate effective communication and collaboration.

Overall, legal support during international group restructuring is crucial to ensure that the process is executed smoothly, legally sound, and in the best interests of all parties involved. Engaging legal experts with expertise in international business, corporate law, and cross- border transactions can help mitigate risks, navigate complexities, and achieve successful restructuring outcomes.

Contact Entrepreneur Legal® UK to find out more.

International group restructuring can offer a range of benefits for multinational corporations and affiliated companies operating across different countries and jurisdictions. These benefits can contribute to improved operational efficiency, enhanced competitiveness, optimised tax positions, and alignment with strategic objectives. Some of the key benefits of international group restructuring include:

  • Cost Savings and Efficiency: By consolidating operations, eliminating redundancies, and streamlining processes, international group restructuring can lead to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies. This can result in improved profitability and a stronger bottom line.
  • Optimised Tax Position: Restructuring can help the group take advantage of favourable tax regimes in different jurisdictions, reduce tax liabilities, and minimise the risk of double taxation. Strategic tax planning can lead to substantial tax savings and increased after-tax profits.
  • Strategic Focus: Group restructuring allows the organisation to realign its resources and focus on core competencies and key markets. This can lead to better allocation of resources, improved product/service offerings, and enhanced competitiveness.
  • Access to New Markets: Restructuring can facilitate market entry into new regions and countries, providing access to untapped markets and diverse customer bases. This can lead to increased revenue and growth opportunities.
  • Enhanced Risk Management: By addressing legal, financial, and operational risks associated with international operations, restructuring can improve risk management and compliance efforts. This can help protect the group’s assets and reputation.
  • Improved Financial Reporting: Aligning financial reporting and accounting practices across different jurisdictions can improve transparency, consistency, and comparability of financial statements. This can enhance investor confidence and facilitate capital raising activities.
  • Operational Synergies: Group restructuring can create synergies among different business units or subsidiaries, leading to improved collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation within the organisation.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Restructuring enables the group to allocate resources more efficiently by reallocating capital, human resources, and technology to areas with higher growth potential or strategic importance.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: A restructured group is often better equipped to adapt to changing market conditions, economic cycles, and regulatory environments. This flexibility can help the organisation respond quickly to new opportunities or challenges.
  • Simplified Governance: A streamlined legal and organisational structure can lead to simpler corporate governance, easier decision-making processes, and improved communication across the organisation.
  • Brand and Reputation Enhancement: A well-executed restructuring can improve the group’s brand perception and reputation by demonstrating proactive efforts to enhance efficiency, compliance, and business performance.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Group restructuring can position the organisation for long- term sustainability by aligning its structure and operations with evolving market trends and strategic goals.

It’s important to note that while international group restructuring offers numerous benefits, it also involves challenges and risks, such as legal complexities, cultural differences, operational disruptions, and potential resistance from stakeholders. Careful planning, thorough analysis, and collaboration with experts are essential to achieve successful restructuring outcomes and maximise the benefits for the organisation.

Contact Entrepreneur Legal® UK to find out more.

Unless expressly informed otherwise, all UK Legal Services referred to on this website will be performed by Entrepreneur Legal® UK.

Entrepreneur Legal® UK is a UK registered trade mark and trading name of Entrepreneur Legal Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with Registration No: 12379138.

For more information on International Group Restructuring in the UK, please contact Entrepreneur Legal® UK directly.